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ost boxes and hurled them aside。 He stared; as Maclare's flashlight showed a jagged hole in the corner of the fence。
 The Shadow had dived beyond those boxes; with one good arm; he had bashed the decayed boards at the lower left corner of the fence。 He had sledged those blows with an automatic; a few powerful strokes had done the necessary work。
 The Shadow had shouldered through; while his pursuers had massed at the entrance of the alley。
 Blobs of blood stained the cement at the bottom of the fence。 Those marks were new proof that The Shadow had been crippled。 Kirk Borman restrained a snarl as he turned to his men; in booming tones; he gave an order for a prompt search throughout the district。
 Eyeing the bloodstains once again; Kirk Borman indulged in a sharp smile of triumph。 He was certain that The Shadow could not have traveled far; he knew also that the crippled fighter would not be able to put up a fight; when discovered。
 Kirk Borman was sure that he would have good news for Stephen Ruthley tonight。 News that the menace of The Shadow existed no longer。
 MORE than an hour after The Shadow's disappearance; the first show ended at the Criterion Theater; one of Westford's most elaborate motion picture houses。 Among the throng that filed from the theater were Louis Wilderton and Estelle Benbrook。 The district attorney was speaking apologetically; when they reached the sidewalk in front of the theater。
 〃I'm so sorry that we couldn't stay to the beginning of the feature picture;〃 stated Wilderton; 〃but I am terribly rushed with work at the office; really; I shouldn't have e to the theater at all tonight。〃
 〃I understand;〃 said Estelle。 〃I do not mind; Louis。 e; let us walk over to the house。 You can leave me there and pick up your car。〃
 As they walked along; Estelle added an afterthought:
 〃Your work is your most important duty; Louis。 It will continue to be; until you have brought the murderer of Prescott Dunson to justice。〃
 Wilderton blinked in owlish fashion; then formed a slight smile。
 〃You spoke like your father; Estelle;〃 be remarked。 〃Do you know; people often speak of the fact that you so resemble him。 They hold a high opinion of Judge Benbrook in this city。〃
 The statement pleased Estelle; Wilderton saw it; he questioned suddenly:
 〃What is your father's real opinion of me? Does he favor my re…election?
 Or was he partial to Dunson's candidacy?〃
 〃Father expressed no preference;〃 replied Estelle; soberly。 〃He said; however; that Westford needs a man of courage in the office。 A man who can do more than wish for results; one who can gain them。〃
 Wilderton winced。 The words were a criticism of his own ability; or lack of it; but he was aware that the statement was justified。 When he spoke again Wilderton's tone was sincere。
 〃I could step aside for the right man;〃 he declared。 〃I could not have dropped from the contest on Dunson's account; but if a man of greater prestige should run for the office…〃
 〃Such as my father?〃
 〃Yes; Estelle; a candidate of your father's caliber would help Westford。 I would not run for re…election; if he sought to bee district attorney。〃
 〃Unfortunately; father cannot return to public life;〃 remarked Estelle; ruefully。 〃He seems wearied; it takes a physician's care to preserve what strength he still has。 I appreciate what you have said; Louis; so will father; when I tell him。〃
 〃Your father was always a champion of reform;〃 reminded Wilderton。 〃The name of Judge Martin Benbrook would sway the public。 Such ardent reformers as Stephen Ruthley; such men as Mayor Marclot; Director Borman; and others of this fine administration…all would support Judge Benbrook's candidacy。 I repeat again; Estelle; your father is one man for whom I would gladly postpone my ambition to remain as district attorney。 If…〃
 WILDERTON paused。 They were at the corner opposite the Majestic Hotel。
 People were halting at the sounds of sirens。 A police car whizzed by; two motorcycles whirred and chugged as they swung the corner。 Everywhere were the khaki uniforms that denoted Westford's Flying Squadron。
 〃It looks like a man hunt!〃 exclaimed Wilderton。 〃Possibly they have caught the trail of that murderer; Dorsch。 Wait here; Estelle; while I inquire。〃
 Two bluecoated policemen were searching doorways。 Wilderton approached them; they recognized the district attorney and saluted。 After a brief parley; Wilderton returned to where Estelle stood。 He explained the situation while they continued toward the girl's home。
 〃Trouble at the home of Adam Woodstock;〃 said Wilderton。 〃He was found dead; Woodstock was; apparently a suicide。 The coroner is out there。 When the police arrived however; they found someone in the house。 They think that it was Shaw; the acplice of Dorsch。〃
 〃Did they capture him?〃 inquired Estelle。
 〃No;〃 returned Wilderton。 〃They say the fellow was rigged up in some kind of attire that helped him hide。 He dashed away from Woodstock's。 They pursued him into town; trapped him in a blind alley。〃
 〃He was cloaked in black?〃
 Wilderton looked puzzled as he heard Estelle's strained tone。 Nodding; he replied:
 〃Yes; of course; he was in black。 That was why he managed to escape。 They riddled the blind alley with bullets…〃
 〃To shoot him in cold blood?〃
 〃Why not; Estelle? That was the way Dunson was slain。 He never had a chance for life; poor chap。〃
 Estelle tightened her lips; resolved to say no more。 Wilderton concluded with the final information that he had gained from the policemen。
 〃Somehow; the fugitive managed to slip from the trap;〃 declared Wilderton。
 〃He was wounded; though; here and there; they found bloodstains on the sidewalk。
 The fellow must have been shrewd enough to stanch his wounds; at least temporarily。 The trail of blood was lost。 So they are making a general search。〃
 Wilderton and Estelle had reached the girl's house。 The young prosecutor started to acpany the judge's daughter through the side gate。 Estelle stopped him; pointed to Wilderton's car; parked in front of the house。
 〃You have work to do; Louis;〃 she reminded。 〃These new events may push you even more。 You must hurry to the office。 I have my key; I can enter the door without trouble。 Good night; Louis。〃
 As Wilderton headed for his car; Estelle hurried along the passage to the door。 Her hand trembling; she tried to insert the key in the lock。 It slipped from her fingers and clanked to the bottom of the steps。
 Estelle leaned down to hunt for the key。 Her fingers encountered moisture。
 With a gasp; Estelle tugged a handkerchief from her hand bag; placed it upon the cement and pressed it to absorb the stain that she felt sure was blood。 She found the key during the process。 Hurriedly; she put it in the lock; to find that it would not turn。 The door was already unlocked。
 Estelle opened it; stepped into the entry。 She saw the dim light of the hall and was ready to start for it。 Then she remembered to lock the door。
 That done; Estelle moved toward the hall。 She stumbled across something on the floor; caught herself as she tripped forward。 There was a candlestick on a hall table; with a few matches beside it。 Shakily; she lighted the candle and returned to the entry。
 The long; wavering flame showed the sight that Estelle had dreaded。
 Huddled face downward on the floor was a black…cloaked figure; as silent as if dead。 The rescuer of the other night had returned。 Hunted by hordes who sought his life; he had found this last haven。 Here; his strength had failed him。
 Was The Shadow dead?
 For the moment; the girl feared the worst。 Then; bravely; she determined to learn。 Estelle Benbrook was resourceful; she had proven that in the past; by caring for her invalid father without the aid of servants。 Experience as a nurse had also brought her knowledge of how to aid the injured。
 Estelle lifted The Shadow's head; his slouch hat fell away; to reveal a hawkish visage; pale despite its masklike contour。 The Shadow's face was well…formed; distinguished in appearance。 Yet Estelle scarcely observed it。
 Her hands had found the blood…soaked shoulder of The Shadow's cloak。
 Easing away the black cloth folds。 Estelle discovered the nature of the wound。
 A police bullet had winged The Shadow's left shoulder; but not badly enough to halt him。 Loss of blood had overe the wounded fighter; after he had gained this refuge。 A wadded handkerchief showed that The Shadow had managed to stanch the flow; but only in temporary fashion。
 THE SHADOW stirred as Estelle tried to lift him。 His eyes opened wearily; he sensed his surroundings。 With the girl's aid; he managed to e to his feet。 Estelle supported him as he wavered; through the hallway; into a dim front room; where the girl guided him to a couch。
 Estelle went out; she returned with scissors; bandages and a basin of water。 Placing chair and table beside the couch; she set to work to attend The Shadow's wound。
 The task was a painful one; although The Shadow gave no indication of the pangs that he suffered。 When Estelle had finished the work; The Shadow's left shoulder formed a white…bandaged expanse。 The girl had drawn away his cloak; she had cut apart the cloth beneath; in order to apply the bandage。
 She noted that The Shadow's eyes were looking beyond her; that his thin; straight lips were about to move; as if to ask a question。 Before The Shadow could speak; Estelle heard a footfall。 She turned about; uttered a startled cry as her father stepped into the room。
 Judge Martin Benbrook was a man of seventy。 He stood square…shouldered and erect; despite the fact that he leaned his weight upon a heavy cane。 His face was rugged; his features; though overlarge; were distinctive; for they were as firm as if chiseled by a sculptor。 Flowing gray hair added to the judge's fine appearance。
 He was dressed in attire that suited him well。 An old…fashioned frock coat matched his cuffless trousers; his shirt was stiff…fronted; set off with a low…cut waistcoat。 A large four…in…hand tie acpanied the wing…tipped collar beneath his smooth…shaven chin。
 The judge's eyes were brilliant as they stared toward The Shadow。 A responsive glint came from The Shadow's eyes。 Those were flashes of mutual recognition; each was a fighter who could tell another of his kind。 Estelle saw the exchange of silent greetings。 A glad smile wreathed her face。 Rising; she approached the judge。
 〃Father;〃 said the girl; 〃this is the stranger whom I spoke about。 The one who rescued me from death…〃
 〃He is no stranger。〃 Judge Benbrook pronounced the words as solemnly as he had given verdicts from the bench。 〃He is a person who stands for right。 As such; he is our friend。〃
 With slow but steady stride; the judge approached The Shadow。 In his same solemn tone; he added:
 〃I have read beyond the headlines in these reports of crime。 I have known that someone; here in Westford; stood for justice against overwhelming odds!
 You are wounded; but in whatever battle you fought; yours was the right cause!〃
 AS HE finished this pronouncement; Judge Benbrook began to sway。 Estelle hurried to him; helped her father to the chair beside the couch。 The judge smiled; gave a slight nod to indicate that the spell had passed。
 〃Stay here; father;〃 said Estelle。 〃I shall bring your medicine。〃
 As the girl left; Judge Benbrook spoke quietly to The Shadow。
 〃You have seen the reason for my inactivity;〃 he declared。 〃Each day; my strength seems to return。 At evening; it fades。 My malady perplexes me; I cannot understand it。 Nevertheless; it prevents me from waging the battle that I should like to undertake。〃
 Pausing; the judge eyed The Shadow closely。 He saw the pallor of the wounded fighter's face。
 〃Your pain is great;〃 declared the judge。 〃You must rest。 Sleep will aid you; until I summon my own physician to…〃
 Estelle had returned in time to hear her father's words。 She interrupted with a cry of alarm that halted Judge Benbrook's statements。 The girl shook her head as she placed a bottle of pills upon the table; along with a glass of water。
 〃No father!〃 she exclaimed。 〃We cannot trust Doctor Lunden to preserve silence。 I have often asked you to choose another physician。 Your own conditi
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