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enty tough; in a pinch。〃
 〃All the better;〃 chortled Lance。 〃This will be a perfect set…up! We can stage the stunt tomorrow。 Duck out of town tonight; Trig; stay somewhere under a phony name。 Call in your outfit; stop back to see me tomorrow。 We'll frame the deal just the way you want it。〃
 Soon afterward; Trig Callister made his exit; carrying his hand bag。 Lance Gillick did not remain long in his office。 He left the Club Adair; to pay another visit to Stephen Ruthley; to tell the boss of Trig Callister's timely arrival。
 Lance regarded Trig as a 〃con man〃 deluxe。 A good estimate; since Trig had duped Lance himself。 Not for an instant did Lance even begin to suspect the true identity of Trig Callister。
 Lance would have been astounded had he known that Trig was The Shadow。
 Actually; there was no such person as Trig Callister。 The Shadow had assumed that character some time ago; in order to contact Lance Gillick and gain preliminary facts concerning crookedness in Westford。 Knowing that Lance might consider Trig useful at present; The Shadow had wisely assumed the role again。
 Lance Gillick thought that he had gained an answer to a pressing problem。
 He was sure that his plan of handling Judge Benbrook; through Trig Callister; would appeal to Stephen Ruthley。 The real answer behind Trig Callister's visit had eluded Lance; therefore; it would escape Ruthley also。
 Tonight; Ruthley and Lance would discuss the final details of the game which they intended; making due allowance for Trig Callister's suggestions。
 Crooks were playing squarely into the hands of The Shadow。
 EARLY the next evening; Lance Gillick again received Trig Callister in his office。 Still oblivious to The Shadow's disguise; Lance came immediately to business。 He spread a road map on the desk; pointed out a route leading to a spot some ten miles from Westford。
 〃The house lies right here;〃 stated Lance。 〃It's an old mansion; but a swell one; that's just been fixed up great。 It was for rent; furnished。 We took it。〃
 The Shadow nodded; in Trig's style。
 〃You've got to bluff the judge into thinking it's your place;〃 remarked Lance。 〃How will you pull that; Trig?〃
 〃Easy;〃 returned The Shadow; in a boastful tone that suited the part of Trig。 〃I'm a special government representative; at least; that's what I'll tell the judge。 I've e from Washington to investigate conditions in Westford。 I want the judge to go down there with me; to make a preliminary report。〃
 〃All right so far。 Go on。〃
 〃We start out in my car; the judge and I。 Then I suggest stopping at the house that I've rented near Westford。 When we get there; I decide that we ought to prepare a long report。 One of my outfit is a secretary; who can take down everything that the judge dictates。〃
 〃How long will that last?〃
 〃A couple of days; at least。 I'll be making fake long…distance calls to Washington; getting requests for more and more details in the reports。 I can follow that by getting phony word that the mittee meeting has been postponed。〃
 〃Good enough。 How long will it take to move your outfit into the house?
 The place is empty; waiting for them。〃
 The Shadow picked up Lance's telephone。 He put in a call to a neighboring town。 When he gained the connection; he gave terse instructions in Trig's style; naming the location of the house where he intended to take Judge Benbrook。 Finished with the call; The Shadow reported tersely to Lance。
 〃They'll be there inside a half hour;〃 stated The Shadow。 〃It will only take them a little while to get settled。〃
 〃Fine;〃 declared Lance。 〃I'll order all the gorillas in town to get out there an hour later。〃
 The Shadow's eyes glinted。 In a gruff tone that suited Trig; he objected:
 〃You'll queer the dodge; Lance; if you shove in a crowd of tough…looking eggs。 They won't fit with my high…class outfit。〃
 〃They won't go to the house;〃 explained Lance。 〃They'll stay in a couple of cottages near there。 They ought to be out of Westford anyway; and they'll
 keep a circle around the house; to look out for your bunch。 You know how it is; Trig。 We can't tell when some G…men are likely to barge into town。〃
 THE SHADOW knew what was behind Lance's suave explanation。 The gambler was acting under instructions from Stephen Ruthley。 Though the boss had liked the idea of using Trig Callister; he was taking no chances。 He wanted Lance; as his own ace; to control the situation。
 The Shadow was not surprised by this turn of events; in fact; he had expected something of the sort。
 〃They'll pass you through; Trig;〃 argued Lance。 〃What's more; they won't bother your inside crew。 It's for your own good; and it leaves us ready to grab the judge; if we have to get him later on。 Just give me the license number of your car; it won't even be stopped when it es along the road。〃
 The Shadow nodded his approval。
 He wrote the license number on a sheet of paper; and handed it to Lance。
 The gambler picked up a copy of the Westford Daily Banner。
 〃See this?〃 he queried; pointing to a headline。 〃It says that the Civic Club will hold another meeting…a special one。 The date hasn't been mentioned yet。 The fellow who is going to set it is Steve Ruthley; the biggest reformer in Westford。
 〃I guess I told you before that Ruthley is playing a dodge with that reform racket。 He's the big…shot in this whole game。 You'll probably meet him later; Trig。 Anyway; as soon as you have stowed away Judge Benbrook; Ruthley is going to call the meeting for the next night。〃
 〃So the judge won't be there;〃 remarked The Shadow; with a smile。 〃Good stuff; Lance! Only one trouble; though。 Suppose the judge wants to see a copy of the day's newspaper; to know when the meeting is ing off?〃
 〃That will be handled;〃 returned Lance。 〃Ruthley can fix it to get hold of a fake copy of the newspaper; just like the regular edition; except that it will carry a phony story about the Civic Club meeting。〃
 〃Saying that the meeting won't be held for a while?〃
 〃That's it。 We'll deliver a fake copy of the paper; out at the house where you're staying with the judge。〃
 〃Better let me e in and get one。〃
 〃All right。 Any way you want it; Trig。 Anyhow; that will satisfy the judge。 He'll stay out there with you; and he'll never get to the meeting。 With the judge out; Ruthley can swing that mob of reformers to suit himself。〃
 The Shadow arose; he glanced at his watch and decided upon a visit to Judge Benbrook。 Before starting; he suggested that Lance go out to the mansion and meet the inside outfit。
 〃Ask for Vincent;〃 explained The Shadow。 〃Tell him who you are。 He'll fix it so you can see me blow in with the old judge。 I'll hoax him tonight; Lance。
 You can count on me。〃
 TEN minutes later; The Shadow rang the doorbell of Judge Benbrook's house。
 Estelle answered; she stared at the unfamiliar face of Trig Callister。 Adopting a smooth pose; The Shadow asked to see Judge Benbrook。 While Estelle hesitated; the judge himself appeared in the lower hall。
 〃e right in; sir;〃 invited Benbrook。 〃My door is always open。 I am Judge Martin Benbrook。 Your name; sir?〃
 〃Callister;〃 replied The Shadow。 〃Roger Callister。 I drove here from Washington; judge; especially to see you。〃
 The judge ushered The Shadow into the parlor and closed the door。 Estelle remained in the hallway; troubled。 She was suspicious of this visitor; whose smooth manner so contrasted with his hardened features。 She wondered what The Shadow would think of Mr。 Roger Callister。
 Unfortunately; The Shadow was not in his room。 Estelle had knocked at the door a short while before; only to find that he was absent。
 Twenty minutes passed。 The door of the parlor opened。 Judge Benbrook came out; his face wore a beaming look。
 〃I am leaving for Washington; Estelle!〃 he exclaimed。 〃Mr。 Callister wants me to address a congressional mittee; on the subject of civic reform。 My return to activity seems to have caused national ment。〃
 The judge started for the stairs; adding that he would pack his bag at once。 Unable to stop him; Estelle turned to The Shadow。
 〃My father cannot leave here; Mr。 Callister;〃 protested the girl。 〃He has to speak at an important meeting that may be held tomorrow night。〃
 〃The judge told me that;〃 responded The Shadow; in Trig's tone。 〃I assured him that he will be back for the meeting; whenever it is held。 It is only a few hours drive here from Washington。〃
 〃But if he leaves with you; tonight will…〃
 〃He will have a good rest at a Washington hotel; and will be ready to meet the congressional mittee in the morning。〃
 While Estelle was thinking of other possible objections; Judge Benbrook arrived from the second floor。 He had packed a suitcase in rapid time; he was carrying the bag with him。 The Shadow took the suitcase; bowed to Estelle; and conducted the judge out to the street。 Estelle watched the two enter a large sedan and drive away。
 LESS than a half hour later; the same sedan reached a dirt road in the country。 After a few hundred yards; it turned between two gates and stopped in front of an old; but well…preserved; mansion。 A coupe was parked beyond the house; it was Lance Gillick's car。 The Shadow and the judge alighted; they entered the house and went up to the second floor。
 There; a clean…cut young man met them。 The Shadow introduced him as Mr。
 Vincent; added that the man was his private secretary。 Vincent ushered them into a fortable…looking study; where a portable typewriter stood unlimbered on a table。
 〃This should suit you admirably; judge;〃 remarked The Shadow; in Trig's tone。 〃Tomorrow; you can dictate full statements to Vincent。 I shall call Washington; to tell them that you will meet the mittee on a later date。〃
 〃A good plan。 Mr。 Callister;〃 agreed the judge。 〃I can work better here than at home。 I shall send a letter to my daughter; telling her not to be concerned about my absence。〃
 〃I can mail it for you; judge。 Don't worry about the Civic Club。 We are close enough to Westford to get in there when the meeting is scheduled。〃
 〃We must remember to look for a notice in tomorrow's newspaper。〃
 〃I shall attend to that; judge。〃
 Leaving Benbrook with Vincent; The Shadow went from the study and closed the door behind him。 Immediately; another door opened; Lance Gillick appeared and joined The Shadow with a grin。 The two went downstairs。 At the door; Lance whispered。
 〃Vincent stowed me in the next room;〃 he told The Shadow。 〃I heard you hand the hokum to the judge。 He fell for it just the way we wanted。 Say…this fellow Vincent looks great! If the rest of your crew is as good as he is; you've got a swell set…up!〃
 〃They all know their business;〃 remarked The Shadow。 〃I've used them on plenty of smooth jobs before this; Lance。〃
 The Shadow's statement was correct; though not in the sense that Lance took it。 The men whom The Shadow had brought to this house were his own agents; who had aided him often in his battles against crime。 Beside Vincent; The Shadow had brought into the house three whom Lance had not seen: Marsland; Burke and Burbank。
 A huge African servant appeared to unlock the door for The Shadow and Lance。 The man's size brought a smile of approval from Lance; he would have liked to have the African as a bouncer in one of his tough gambling joints。 He asked about the man when they stepped outside。
 〃His name is Jericho;〃 said The Shadow。 〃He makes a good servant; and he es in handy if a brawl starts。〃
 Another man appeared outside the house; he was small; stoop…shouldered and wizen…faced。 This fellow watched The Shadow walk along with Lance to the coupe; then the wizened…faced man sidled to the front door and knocked for Jericho to admit him。 Both he and Jericho were aids of The Shadow also。
 〃That was Hawkeye;〃 remarked The Shadow。 〃I told Vincent to keep him outside。 He looks too much like a torpedo。 He's too useful; though; to do without。〃
 〃What a set…up;〃 chuckled Lance; as he boarded the coupe。 〃This outfit of yours would be a good one to have waiting for The Shadow。〃
 〃If he es here;〃 replied The Shadow; in Trig's harsh fashion; 〃my crew will know it soon enough。〃
 Lance drove away。 The Shadow returned to his sedan and followed into Westford。 The outside
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