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 They came from both directions。 The Flying Squadron was ing to the scene of battle。 To others; that arrival signified the law。 To The Shadow; it meant something else。
 The Shadow knew the extent of crime in Westford; he knew that the Flying Squadron was a bluff。 Crooks would make their get…away amid wild pursuit; the squadron would gain credit for prompt action。 That was exactly what had happened last night; after Lieutenant Maclare's raid。
 The Shadow knew more。 He had guessed the personnel of the picked men who formed the Flying Squadron。 He knew that they were as dangerous as crooks; otherwise; they would not be party to the fake pursuit that they so often staged。
 Because of that; The Shadow saw danger in his own position。 His guns were empty; he would have no chance to battle uniformed men who merely pretended to uphold the law。 They; however; would be pleased at the opportunity to drill The Shadow。
 Already; cars and motorcycles were swinging into view; converging toward the very spot where The Shadow stood; a fact that signified that they knew where to find Dunson's body。 The Shadow had one lone path to safety。 That was the passage past Judge Benbrook's house; the route along which he had sent the girl。
 Turning; The Shadow swiftly entered the passage; swinging the gate shut behind him。 Hardly had he started through the darkened space before he heard a siren stopping on the rear street。 One of the Flying Squadron's cars had arrived there; Borman's men were ing through from the back。
 Quickly; The Shadow swung into the shelter of an alcove at the side of the house。 He stumbled a short flight of steps; as he caught himself against the wall; he heard a whispered voice just above his head。 The voice gave question:
 〃You…you're safe?〃
 It was the girl who spoke。 She had taken this shelter ahead of The Shadow。
 She had guessed that the person stumbling in darkness was the one who had saved her from death。 The Shadow gave quiet response。
 〃I am safe;〃 he whispered。 〃Remain silent until everyone has gone。〃
 〃I have my key;〃 began the girl。 〃If I could only unlock this door…〃
 Almost instantly; The Shadow blinked a tiny flashlight。 By the glow; he saw the key that the girl was holding; her hand was shaking as she tried to fit it into a door。 Quickly; The Shadow plucked the key with gloved fingers。 He found the lock; opened the door and thrust the girl inward。
 Following; The Shadow closed the door behind him; inserted the key from the inside and turned the lock。
 LOOKING about; The Shadow found himself in an entry that led to a dimly lighted hall。 The girl had gone through; she was staring back; trying to discern the man who had so promptly aided her with the door。
 The Shadow stepped forward into the light。 The girl gasped; as she saw his weird; cloaked figure。 She silenced; as The Shadow gave a whisper。 Fascinated; the girl met the gleam of The Shadow's burning eyes。 She heard him speak; not a question; but a statement。
 〃You are Judge Benbrook's daughter?〃
 The girl nodded。
 〃Estelle Benbrook;〃 stated The Shadow。 〃I have heard of you。〃
 Though more amazed than ever; Estelle Benbrook found her voice。 She thanked her rescuer。
 〃You saved my life;〃 declared the girl。 〃You have my gratitude! But…but…〃
 The Shadow waited for the girl to continue。 Estelle finally expressed her thoughts。
 〃But the police are now outside!〃 blurted the girl。 〃Why did we need to avoid them?〃
 〃They are as dangerous as the others;〃 replied The Shadow; calmly。
 〃Criminals were ready to eliminate all who saw Prescott Dunson die。 These police would willingly do the same。〃
 Estelle Benbrook continued to watch The Shadow's eyes。 When the girl spoke; her tone was; one of conviction。
 〃I believe you;〃 she declared; firmly。 〃I recognized Prescott Dunson; when I saw his body。 My father has said that matters were wrong in Westford; but I have never repeated his statements。 He is an old man; his mind seems tired。 Yet I have known that he speaks the truth。〃
 The girl paused; then added:
 〃I have never spoken this before; not even to Louis Wilderton。 He would not believe me。 He thinks that all is well in Westford。 If Louis could only understand…〃
 〃He will learn;〃 interposed The Shadow; quietly; 〃when the right time arrives。 Until then; you must remain silent。〃
 〃I promise;〃 declared Estelle。 〃I shall say nothing of what I saw tonight。
 Terrible though it was; it has given me courage。〃
 The Shadow stepped back into the passage。 He listened at the side door; he heard the shuffle of departing feet。 The members of the Flying Squadron had pleted their search in the passage beside the house。 They had gone forward to join the ones at the front。
 The Shadow turned the key in the lock: Estelle saw the motion of his hand as she joined him in the passage。 Anxiously; the girl queried:
 〃Are you sure that the way is safe?〃
 The Shadow's response was a whispered laugh; mirthless; it was scarcely audible in the darkness。 It betokened ill for any who might block his path。
 Estelle; as witness of The Shadow's mighty battle; understood the grim significance。 As The Shadow drew the door inward; Estelle reached forward; she found the key and plucked it from the lock。
 〃Take this key;〃 pleaded the girl 〃I have another。 Sometime; you may wish to return。 Perhaps…perhaps there may be new danger; greater than that which you faced tonight。〃
 Gloved fingers grasped the key。 Estelle released it。 She sensed that The Shadow had moved outward; but she expected him to speak again。 It was not until half a minute later that she realized that The Shadow had departed。 Silently; he had closed the door behind him。 Estelle Benbrook stood alone。
 SLOWLY; the girl went through the lighted hall。 She reached a front room and turned on a desk lamp。 The glow showed her well…formed face; attractive despite the paleness which dominated it。 The darkness of her hair made her pallor seem more evident; for Estelle Benbrook was a pronounced brunette。
 The girl had steadied since her ordeal。 Her hand had no tremble; as it found another key in the desk。 Steadily; Estelle returned to the side door and inserted the key。 She found the door locked。 The Shadow had silently attended to that detail from outside。 Estelle managed a slight laugh; as she went into the hall and placed the key in her hand bag。
 A puzzled frown appeared upon her forehead。 She would have liked to have learned more concerning this mysterious stranger from the night。 She recalled rumors that she had heard this very day; concerning the raid made last night; by Lieutenant Maclare。 There was talk of persons unknown; who had sided with the law。
 Estelle believed that rumor; but she was convinced that one fighter; not a group; had been responsible for the aid that Maclare had received。 Estelle could form that opinion from her own observation。 She was still overwhelmed with admiration for The Shadow's prowess in tonight's battle。
 As she closed the hand bag; Estelle smiled。 After all; The Shadow had taken the key that she had offered。 That seemed more than courtesy。 Sometime …
 soon; she hoped…the black…clad stranger might return。
 In her thoughts; Estelle pictured this house as a real haven in the heart of Westford; should The Shadow need the refuge that it could afford。 Such need seemed likely to Estelle; when she considered the odds that this lone fighter faced。 Circumstances could arise to make The Shadow's return imperative。
 Though Estelle Benbrook did not guess it; such circumstances were already in the making。
 NOT far from the center of Westford stood a large apartment house that fronted on a boulevard。 This new and pretentious edifice had supplanted part of a row of old brick houses。 The remnants of the row began at the side of the apartment house and continued to a corner。 Deserted and dilapidated; they were ready for demolition。
 The front windows on the second floor of the apartment house were heavily curtained; all in the same style。 They gave the impression that they belonged to one apartment; which they did。 That apartment was the residence of Stephen Ruthley; the wealthiest man in Westford。
 Ruthley called the apartment his town home; and he considered an entire floor necessary for fort; although his family seldom occupied the apartment with him。 They preferred a country house; some miles from Westford。 They lived there during the short intervals when they came home from Newport; Florida; or Europe。
 Hence; Stephen Ruthley lived alone; except for a retinue of servants; and he liked this second floor apartment near the heart of Westford。
 Recognized as the city's most prominent citizen; Ruthley enjoyed his prestige。 He gained acclaim for his philanthropies and his constant stand for reform。 His real pleasure; however; lay in the fact that never a whisper had passed concerning his actual capacity。 None but his most trusted lieutenants knew that Stephen Ruthley was the real political boss of Westford。
 Beginning with half a million dollars gained from honest enterprise; Ruthley had increased his fortune to ten times that amount by backing graft and crime。 He had covered this procedure by expanding his legitimate businesses and making them look prosperous; though they cost him more than he gained。 Ruthley considered this essential。 As overlord of Westford; he maintained his security by keeping his real activities unknown。
 There were two reasons why none of Ruthley's associates had ever dared to expose his game。 First; because no one would have believed them; second because they were in too deep。 Ruthley took care of his tools; saw to it that they gained their share of the spoils。 That kept them satisfied; and maintained their loyalty to their evil chief。
 ON this night; soon after The Shadow had rescued Estelle Benbrook; Stephen Ruthley had a visitor。 The caller was a stuffed…shirt henchman; who was at present Ruthley's most useful figurehead。 He was Elvin Marclot; mayor of Westford; whom Ruthley had carried into office on a sweeping wave of so…called reform。
 The pair were seated in Ruthley's den; a room that had windows only at the front; for it was the side of the apartment that was buttressed by the side wall of the first house in the row。
 Ruthley's den was a cross between an office and a clubroom。 It had a desk in the corner; along with a filing cabinet。 Except for those articles of office equipment; it was furnished with deep…cushioned chairs and couches; thick rugs; ornate tables。
 The side wall showed a pair of large bookcases; set apart; between them was a huge; life…sized painting that depicted Aramis; of the 〃Three Musketeers。〃 The bottom of the full…length picture was less than two feet from the floor; the heavy mahogany frame was flush against the wall。
 Ruthley was seated in an armchair; smoking an expensive cigar。 Marclot was opposite him; watching him。 In appearance; as well as manner; the two formed an absolute contrast。
 Stephen Ruthley was elderly; yet active。 His face was calm; pleasant; almost fatherly。 His eyes; though searching; carried a twinkle; his gray hair added to his genial look。 All this was a mask that Ruthley had worn for years; he seldom dropped it; even when he had no need for pretense。 In fact; Ruthley prided himself upon the fact that when his temper rose; he could play his friendly; reassuring part to real perfection。
 Elvin Marclot was portly; pompous and round…faced; serious of expression; he was ever ready to draw himself up and blubber in righteous indignation。 He used that method to cover his crooked nature; it worked well in public; but it was useless in Ruthley's presence。 The boss always had the mayor at a disadvantage; for Ruthley's calmness seemed natural; while Marclot's self…importance did not。
 Tonight; if Ruthley chanced to be nervous; he did not show it。 Marclot; however; was jittery; and could not cover the fact。 He had already reported important news; all that he could do was repeat it。
 〃They've finished Dunson by this time; Steve;〃 insisted Marclot; in a tone that was almost a whine。 〃Kirk Borman called me; like I told you。 I thought I'd better be here when the news came…〃
 THE telephone bell rang。 Marclot tremb
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