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—She never had a birthday party and
she was twenty-one year sold.

—The party was really a successful

—We planned to serve fruit punch and

—We planned entertainment.

—We carefully made a guest list.

—We planned a surprise party for
Mary recently.

—We included many of her friends
from school,a few of her
friends from her neighbourhood,and all of her brothers and sisters.

—A boy did mayic tricks skillfully;another boy played the guitar well.

—We also wanted chicken sandwiches,a birthday cake with twenty-one candles,and ice cream.

—We especially enjoyed the group



Exercise 12…2 

Directions:Narrate an incident from your own childhood in which you behave in a
way you later regretted,using time order.


Exercise 12-3

Directions:Narrate one of your trip,either by bike,by bus or bytrain,bining time order and space order.




第十三单元 推展段落方法之五——举例法





Courage is the willingness to take a risk when the oute is
uncertain,and when the
risk taken may involve harm,loss,or danger to
the one taking it.The
courageous person fears no one and nothing.He or she is undaunted by danger or peril.He or she will venture boldly into
an uncertain situation,hardly giving a thought to the harm or consequences which may result
to his or her person.



Courage is the willingness to take a risk when the oute is
uncertain,and when the
risk taken may involve harm,loss,or danger to
the one taking it.For example,in a Los Angeles suburb,a twelve-year-old girl ran into a burning house to rescue her baby brother,pulled him unconscious out of the
burning bedroom,and dragged
him down the stairs and outside to safety.This was arousing display of courage.The girl had been safe outside the flaming house when she remembered
her sleeping brother.Disregarding her personal safety,she plunged into the flaming house to save him.







大多数作者使用“for example”等短语引出例子。其它常用的短语有:“as an example”,“to illustrate”,“for instance”,“an illustration of it”,“a case in point”(见第34单元)。


Exercise 13…1

Directions:Read the following paragraph,point out the topic sentence,and find out what example the writer uses to illustrate his point.

Despite her wealth,Madame Rubinstein had a mania for saving money.French President Georges Pompidou
once rented a Paris apartment from her.She noticed that he left the building at exactlly8:50 every morning.Madame began ordering her daily
taxi for 8:45 so that
she could save on cab fare by following Pompidou's motorcycle escort through
the heavy Paris traffic.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________


Exercise 13…2

Directions:Choose one of the given topic sentences and use an example to
develop the point.




Doing part-time jobs helps increase our experience.






You may have heard the old saying,“Self…help is the best help.”The truth of it has been proved by the successful lives of many
great men and women.




第十四单元 推展段落方法之六




有时为了说明某一事物,需要与其他事物联系起来才能阐述清楚,这就是对比或比较(parison or contrast)。比较方法和对比方法基本一致,不同的是比较强调两事物如何相同,对比强调两事物如何不同。


Life in the city is quite different from life in the suburbs.People living in the city are
constantly exposed to the hustle and bustle of urban life.But life in the suburbs is
generally quiet and casual and generally more low-key than in the city.If city dwellers want to see trees and grass,they must go to one of the public
parks.On the other
hand,the streets
of many suburban munities are lined with trees and shrubs,and each house has its own grassy
yard.A person
living in the city is close to many sources of entertainment,but people living in suburan areas
must go into the city for entertainment.


The llama is a member of the camel family.Like the camel,the llama can live for weeks
without a drink of water.Both get enough moisture from the grass,shrubs,and other plants they eat.But unlike the camel,the llama has no hump on its back.







逐事比较重点放在被比较和对比的特定事物上,先叙述A事物,再叙述B事物。逐点比较重点放在两事物中每个事物的各个特征上,先叙述每个事物某一特征,再叙述每个事物的另一特征。如下面比较“a motor-cycle”和“a car”的异同的大纲所示:


Ⅰ.Motorcycle A.Expense B.Upkeep C.Safety

Ⅱ.Automobile A.Expense B.Upkeep C.Safety



Ⅰ.Expense A.Motorcycle B.Autormobile

Ⅱ.Upkeep A.Motorcycle B.Autormobile

Ⅲ.Safety A.Motorcycle B.Autormobile


Exercise 14…1

Directions:Write a paragraph using a point-by-point
parison/contrast about the advantages of bikes over cars or

buses.The outline
and the topic sentence are given.

Outline:Ⅰ.Expense A.Cars or buses B.Bikes

Ⅱ.Convenience A.Cars or buses B.Bikes

Ⅲ.Pollution A.Cars or buses B.Bikes

As pared with cars or buses,bicycles have unique advantages for Chinese people.



Exercise 14…2

Directions:Write a paragraph of contrast,contrasting women today with women in the past(hints:social status,family status,etc.).




第十五单元 推展段落方法之七——下定义法





A pencil is an instrument for writing on paper.It is of cylindrical shape and can
be held between the first two fingers of the hand.It is about 6 inches long and 1/4 inch wide.At the end there is usually an eraser attached to the pencil by a
surrounding metal band.Lead is the material which is used in making the marks on the paper,and a sharpener is needed to keep
the pencil in good working order.Pencils are made of various kinds of wood.


主题句:A pencil is an instrument for
writing on paper.细节:shape,material






Exercise 15…1

Directions:Read the following paragraph,point out the topic sentence and find out what method(s)are used to expand the defintion.

Chemistry is that branch of science which has the task of
investigating the materials out of which the universe is made.It is not concerned with the forms
into which they may be fashioned.Such objects as chairs,tables,vases,bottles,or wires are of no significance in
chemistry;but such
substances as glass,wool,iron,sulfur,and clay,as the materials out of which they
are made,are what it
studies.Chemistry is
concerned not only with the position of such substances,but also with their inner structure.

Topic Sentence:____________________________________________

Method(s) used:_______________________________________


Exercise 15-2

Directions:The definition of“an ice-box”can be,“An ice-box is an appliance for storing
food at low temperature.”Now use the method of description to expand the definition.

An ice-box is an
appliance for storing food at low temperature.


Exercise 15…3

Directions:Give the defintion of friendship and then use an example to expand
your definition.




第十六单元 推展段落方法之八——分类法



分类法(division and classification)是把一事物拆成几部分,表明这些部分与整体的关系。通常,作者以总类开头,然后把总类拆开,——列举部分或全部分类。


There are three basic kinds of materials that can be found in any
good library.First,there are books on all subjects,both in English and in many other
languages.These books
are organized according to subject,title,and author in
a central filing system called card catalog.Books can generally be checked out of the library and taken home for
a period of two to four weeks.Second,there are
reference materials,which include encyclopedias,dictionaries,bibliographies,atlases,etc.an
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