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  It is ill sitting at Rome and striving with the Pope。 (739)
  It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil。 (338)
  It is love that makes the world go round。 (160)
  It is madness for a sheep to treat of peace with a wolf。 (1824)
  It is never too late to mend。 (1304)
  It is never too old to learn。 (349)
  It is no good 'use' crying over spilt milk。 (2046)
  It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s。 (1684)
  It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride。 (843)
  It is not every couple that is a pair。 (188)
  It is not good to wake a sleeping lion。 (1838)
  It is not only the feather that makes the bird。 (1424)
  It is not the gay coat that makes the (fine) gentleman。 (1421)
  It is not the hood that makes the monk。 (1415)
  It is not work that kills; but worry。 (321)
  It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently。 (656)
  It is right to put everything in its proper use。 (337)
  It is said that a cat hath nine lives; yet care would wear them all out。 (1764)
  It is the bridle and spur that make a good horse。 (1744)
  It is the man behind the gun that tells。 (740)
  It is the nature of every man to err; but only the fool preserves in the error。 (1268)
  It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it。 (535)
  It is to easy bear the misfortunes of others。 (827)
  It is too late to grieve when the chance is past。 (75)
  It is too late to husband 'spare' when all is spent。 (878)
  It is too late to lock the stable door when the horse is stolen。 (90)
  It is too late to shut the stable door after the horse has been stolen。 (91)
  It is too late to shut the stable door when the steed is stolen。 (92)
  It never rains but it pours。 (2047)
  It takes two to make a quarrel。 (464)
  I will be thy friend; but not thy vice’s friend。 (1890)
  Jack is as good as his master。 (2048)
  Jack of all trades and master of none。 (2049)
  Joy and sorrow are next…door neighbours。 (417)
  Joy puts heart into a man。 (411)
  Joys shared with others are more enjoyed。 (412)
  Judge not a book by its cover。 (522)
  Judge not according to the appearance。 (1408)
  Judge not of men and thing at first sight。 (1412)
  Justice has a long arm。 (706)
  Justice has long arms。 (707)
  Justice must be done even if the sky falls。 (730)
  Keeping is harder than winning。 (395)
  Keep your mouth shut and your ears open。 (610)
  Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open。 (611)
  Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs。 (1696)
  Kill two birds with one stone。 (1659)
  Kings and bears often worry keepers。 (1844)
  Kings have long arms 'hands'。 (737)
  Kinsman helps kinsman; but woe to him that hath nothing。 (2050)
  Knavery may serve; but honesty is best。 (829)
  Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps。 (534)
  Knowledge is a Treasure; but Practice is the key to it。 (530)
  Knowledge is no burden 'burthen'。 (531)
  Knowledge (itself) is power。 (527)
  Knowledge is the antidote to fear。 (536)
  Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud。 (532)
  Knowledge starts with practice。 (528)
  Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist。 (529)
  Know thyself 'yourself'。 (839)
  Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs。 (1288)
  Labour is light where love doth pay。 (141)
  Lack of work brings a thousand diseases。 (1090)
  Laugh; and the world will laugh with you。 (406)
  Law is a bottomless pit。 (722)
  Law makers should not be law breakers。 (713)
  Laws are like cobwebs; which may catches small flies; but let wasps and horns break through。 (719)
  Laws catch flies and let hornets go free。 (718)
  Laws go as kings like。 (703)
  Lazy folks 'people' have the least leisure。 (1471)
  Lazy folks 'people' have the most labour。 (1470)
  Lazy folks 'people' take the most pains。 (1469)
  Learn from the mistakes of others and prevent your own。 (1348)
  Learning is a bitter root; but it bears sweet fruit。 (539)
  Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse。 (538)
  Learn wisdom by the follies of others。 (369)
  Learn young; learn fair。 (366)
  Least said; soonest mended。 (601)
  Let beggars match with beggars。 (224)
  Let no grass grow under your feet。 (96)
  Let not your tongue cut your throat。 (621)
  Let patience grow in your garden always。 (821)
  Let sleeping dog lie。 (1787)
  Liars begin by imposing upon others but end by deceiving themselves。 (1608)
  Liars have need of good memories。 (1612)
  Liars need long memories。 (1613)
  Liars should 'ought to' have good memories。 (1614)
  Lies have short 'no' legs。 (1605)
  Life begins at forty。 (2051)
  Life is lifeless without health。 (1083)
  Life is not all beer and skittles。 (1039)
  Life is sweet。 (1035)
  Life without friend is death。 (1901)
  Light e; light go。 (1214)
  Lightly gain; quickly lost。 (1215)
  Like attracts 'draws to' like。 (2052)
  Like author; like book。 (2053)
  Like begets like。 (2054)
  Like cures like。 (2055)
  Like father; like son。 (259)
  Like knows like。 (2056)
  Like likes like。 (2057)
  Like master; like man。 (2058)
  Like mother; like daughter。 (260)
  Like tree; like fruit。 (1647)
  Little chips light great fires。 (2059)
  Little pitchers have long ears。 (292)
  Little said is soon amended。 (602)
  Little said; soonest mended。 (603)
  Little strokes fell great oaks。 (803)
  Little thieves are hanged; but great ones escape。 (720)
  Little wealth; little care。 (1021)
  Live and learn。 (347)
  Live and let live。 (1116)
  Live not to eat; but eat to live。 (1115)
  Live within your means and save for a rainy day。 (870)
  Loners are losers。 (1250)
  Long absent; soon forgotten。 (2060)
  Long looked for es at last。 (825)
  Long tarrying takes all thanks away。 (2061)
  Look before you leap。 (612)
  Lookers…on see most of the game。 (2062)
  Lose an hour in the morning; and you’ll be all day hunting for it。 (29)
  Lose an hour in the morning; and you’ll spend all day looking for it。 (30)
    Losers are always in the wrong。 (1249)
  Losses make us more cautious。 (1211)
  Lost time is never found again。 (33)
  Love and a cough cannot be hid。 (105)
  Love and lordship like no fellowship。 (116)
  Love and lordship never like fellowship。 (117)
  Love; and love only; is the loan for love。 (140)
  Love as in time to e you should hate; and hate as you should in time to e; love。 165)
  Love asks faith; and faith firmness。 (118)
  Love at first sight。 (119)
  Love begets love。 (101)
  Love blinds a man to imperfections。 (109)
  Love can neither be bought nor sold。 (129)
  Love can neither be bought or sold; its only price is love。 (130)
  Love cannot be pelled。(103)
  Love cannot be forced。 (104)
  Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace。 (135)
  Love is a sweet torment。 (113)
  Love is a sweet tyranny; because the lover endures his torment willingly。 (114)
  Love is blind。 (108)
  Love is blind; and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves mit。 (110)
  Love is full of trouble。 (112)
  Love is never paid but with true love。 (139)
  Love is never without jealousy。 (181)
  Love is not to be found in the market。 (128)
  Love is sweet in the beginning; but sour in the end。 (158)
  Love is the mother of love。 (102)
  Love is the reward of love。 (137)
  Love is the touchstone of virtue。 (115)
  Love is the true price of love。 (138)
  Love is without reason。 (107)
  Love lives in cottages as well as in courts。 (134)
  Love makes all hard hearts gentle。 (142)
  Love makes a wit of the fool。 (143)
  Love makes obedience easy。 (144)
  Love makes one fit for any work。 (145)
  Love makes the world go round。 (161)
  Love me; love my dog。 (1767)
  Love needs no teaching。 (106)
  Love not at the first look。 (120)
  Love should not be all on one side。 (155)
  Lovers live by love; as larks live by leeks。(176)
  Lovers’ quarrels are soon mended。 (175)
  Love rules his kingdom without a sword。 (136)
  Love sought is good; but give unsought is better。 (157)
  Love will creep where it may not go。 (133)
  Love will find a way。 (131)
  Love will find out the way。 (132)
  Love will not yield to all the might of wealth。 (163)
  Lying is the first step to the gallows。 (1622)
  Lying rides upon debt’s back。 (1623)
  Mad dog bites his master。 (1786)
  Maids want nothing but husbands; but when they have them they want everything。 (123)
  Make hay while the sun shines。 (81)
  Make your enemy your friend。 (1954)
  Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour。 (2063)
  Man is mortal。 (1130)
  Man is to man either a god or a wolf。 (1829)
  Man proposes; God disposes。 (2064)
  Many a good cow hath a bad calf。 (1726)
  Many a good father hath but a bad son。 (278)
  Many a little makes a mickle。 (864)
  Many a one says well that thinks ill。 (679)
  Many a pickle makes a muckle。 (865)
  Many a slip 'Many things fall' between the cup and the lip。 (1237)
  Many a true word is spoken in jest。 (632)
  Many dishes; many diseases。 (1094)
  Many good cows have evil calves。 (1725)
  Many friends in general; one in special。 (1874)
  Many hands make light work。 (333)
  Many hands make quick work。 (332)
  Many 'Two' heads are better than one。  (916)
  Many lords; many laws。 (701)
  Many lords; many laws; much law; little justice。 (702)
  Many men have many minds。 (2065)
  Many wells; many buckets。 (2066)
  Many words cut 'hurt' more than swords。 (690)
  Marriage es by destiny。 (194)
  Marriage goes by contrasts。 (189)
  Marriage is destiny。 (195)
  Marriage is a lottery。 (186)
  Marriage makes or mars a man。 (197)
  Marriages are made in heaven。 (193)
  Marry a wife of thine own degree。 (190)
  Marry in haste; and repent at leisure。 (198)
  Marry in lent; and you’ll live to repent。 (201)
  Marry thy like。 (196)
  Marry too soon; and you’ll repent too late。 (199)
  Marry your son when you will; your daughter when you can。 (308)
  Measure for measure。 (2067)
  Measure thrice before you cut once。 (2068)
  Medicines are not meant to live on。 (1110)
  Men are mortal。 (1131)
  Men are not to be measured by 'in' inches。 (1409)
  Men live like fish; the great ones devour the small。 (1123)
  Men too seldom see their own faults。 (1290)
  Men’s characters are not always written on their foreheads。 (1410)
  Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people。 (1496)
  Merry is he that hath nought to lose。 (1238)
  Merry meet; merry part。 (1925)
  Messengers should neither be headed nor hanged。 (753)
  Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse。 (1741)
  Mickle power makes many enemies。 (1949)
  Might is right。 (731)
  Might overes right。 (732)
  Mills and wives are ever wanting。 (227)
    Mischief has swift wings。 (1386)
    Mischiefs e by the pound and go away by the ounce。 (1367)
  Misery loves pany。 (2069)
  Misery makes strange bedfellows。 (1904)
  Misfortune is a good teacher。  (1372)
  Misfortunes e at night。 (1357)
  Misfortunes e on wings and depart on foot。 (1368)
  Misfortunes never 'seldom' e alone 'single'。 (1359)
  Misfortunes tell us what fortune is。 (1355)
  Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends。 (1854)
  Mock not a cobbler for his black thumbs。 (2070)
  Money begets money。 (965)
  Money borrowed is soon sorrowed。 (1205)
  Money breeds money。 (966)
  Money can bu
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