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神(罗6:4,6,7,11…13)。  We; being dead to sins; should live unto righteousness。  Put off; concerning the former conversation; the old man; which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts: and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and 。。。 put on the new man; which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness。  Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God。 — As Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father; even so we also should walk in newness of life。 Knowing this; that our old man is crucified with him; that the body of sin might be destroyed; that henceforth we should not serve sin。 For he that is dead is freed from sin。 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin; but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our LORD。 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body; that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof: but yield yourselves unto God; as those that are alive from the dead; and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God。 I PET。 2:24。  Eph。 4:22…24。 Col。 3:3。 …Rom。 6:4;6;7;11…13。 
六月十三日  早课 
  你们要常在我里面,我也常在你们里面(约15:4)。   我已经与基督同钉十字架,现在活着的不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活着;并且我如今在肉身活着,是因信 神的儿子而活,他是爱我,为我舍己(加2:20)。   我知道在我里头,就是我肉体之中,没有良善。因为立志为善由得我,只是行出来由不得我。我真是苦啊!谁能救我脱离这取死的身体呢?感谢 神!靠着我们的主耶稣基督就能脱离了(罗7:18,24,25)。   基督若在你们心里,身体就因罪而死,心灵却因义而活(罗8:10)。只要你们在所信的道上恒心,根基稳固,坚定不移,不至被引动失去福音的盼望,这福音就是你们所听过的(西1:23)。 
小子们哪,你们要住在主里面。这样,他若显现,我们就可以坦然无惧;当他来的时候,在他面前也不至于惭愧(约壹2:28)。人若说他住在主里面,就该自己照主所行的去行(约壹2:6)。  Abide in me; and I in you。           I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I; but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God; who loved me; and gave himself for me。  I know that in me (that is; in my flesh;) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not。 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord。 — If Christ be in you; the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness。 — If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled; and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel; which ye have heard。  Little children; abide in him; that; when he shall appear; we may have confidence; and not be ashamed before him at his ing。 — He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk; even as he walked。           JOHN 15:4。  Gal。 2:20。 Rom。 7:18;24;25。 …Rom。 8:10。 …Col。 1:23。 I John 2:28。 …I John 2:6。 
六月十三日  晚课 
  你信 神的儿子吗(约9:35)。   主啊,谁是 神的儿子,叫我信他呢(约9:36)?   他是 神荣耀所发的光辉,是 神本体的真像(来l:3)。那可称颂、独有权能的万王之王、万主之主,就是那独一不死,住在人不能靠近的光里,是人未曾看见,也不能看见的。但愿尊贵和永远的权能都归给他。阿门(提前6:15,16)!主 神说:我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,是昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者(启l:8)。   主啊,我信(约9:38)!因为知道我所信的是谁,也深信他能保全我所交付他的,直到那日(提后1:12)。 看哪,我把所拣选、所宝贵的房角石安放在锡安,信靠他的人必不至于羞愧。所以,他在你们信的人就为宝贵(彼前2:6,7)。  Dost thou believe on the Son of God?           Who is he; Lord; that I might believe on him?  The brightness of his glory; and the express image of his person。 — The blessed and only Potentate; the King of kings; and Lord of lords; who only hath immortality; dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen; nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting。 Amen。 — I am Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the ending; saith the Lord; which is; and which was; and which is to e; the Almighty。  Lord; I believe。 — I know whom I have believed; and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have mitted unto him against that day。 
 Behold; I lay in Sion a chief corner stone; elect; precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be 
confounded。 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious。 JOHN 9:35。  John 9:36。  Heb。 1:3。 …I Tim。 6:15;16。 …Rev。 1:8。 John 9:38。 …II Tim。 1:12。  I Pet。 2:6;7。 
六月十四日  早课 
  我们既多受基督的苦楚,就靠基督多得安慰(林后1:5)。 和他一同受苦(腓3:10)。要欢喜,因为你们是与基督一同受苦,使你们在他荣耀显现的时候,也可以欢喜快乐(彼前4:13)。我们若与基督同死,也必与他同活(提后2:11)。既是儿女,便是后嗣,就是 神的后嗣,和基督同作后嗣,如果我们和他一同受苦,也必和他一同得荣耀(罗8:17)。 神愿意为那承受应许的人格外显明他的旨意是不更改的,就起誓为证。藉这两件不更改的事, 神决不能说谎,好叫我们这逃往避难所、持定摆在我们前头指望的人可以大得勉励(来6:17,18)。愿我们主耶稣基督和那爱我们、开恩将永远的安慰并美好的盼望赐给我们的父 神,安慰你们的心,并且在一切善行善言上坚固你们(帖后2:16,17)。  As the sufferings of Christ abound in us; so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ。           The fellowship of his sufferings。 — Rejoice; inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that; when his glory shall be revealed; ye may be glad also with exceeding joy。 — For if we be dead with him; we shall also live with him。 — If children; then heirs; heirs of God; and joint…heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him; that we may be also glorified together。  God; willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the im…mutability of his counsel; confirmed it by an oath: that by two immutable things; in which it was impossible for God to lie; we might have a strong consolation; who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us。 — Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself; and God; even our Father; which hath loved us; and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace; fort your hearts; and stablish you in every good word and work。   II COR。 1:5。  Phi。 3:10。 …I Pet。 4:13。 …II Tim。 2:11。 …Rom。 8:17。 Heb。 6:17;18。 …II Thes。 2:16;17。 
六月十四日  晚课 
  马大,马大!你为许多的事思虑烦扰(路10:41)。   你想,乌鸦也不种,也不收,……你想,百合花怎样长起来?它也不劳苦,也不纺线。……你们不要求吃什么,喝什么,也不要挂心。……你们必须用这些东西,你们的父是知道的(路12:24,27,29,30)。 
  只要有衣有食,就当知足。但那些想要发财的人,就陷在迷惑、落在网罗和许多无知有害的私欲里,叫人沉在败坏和灭亡中。贪财是万恶之根。有人贪恋钱财,就被引诱离了真道,用许多愁苦把自己刺透了(提前6:8…10)。   后来有世上的思虑、钱财的迷惑和别样的私欲,进来把道挤住了,就不能结实(可4:19)。 我们就当放下各样的重担,脱去容易缠累我们的罪,存心忍耐,奔那摆在我们前头的路程(来12:1)。  Martha; Martha; thou art careful and troubled about many things。           Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap。 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not; they spin not。 Seek not ye what ye shall eat; or what ye shall drink; neither be ye of doubtful mind。 Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things。           Having food and raiment let us be therewith content 。。。 They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare; and into many foolish and hurtful lusts; which drown men in destruction and perdition。 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after; they have erred from the faith; and pierced themselves through with many sorrows。   The cares of this world; and the deceitfulness of riches; and the lust of other things entering in; choke the word; and it beeth unfruitful。  Let us lay aside every weight; and the sin which doth so easily beset us; and let us run with patience the race that is set before us。 LUKE 10:41。  Luke 12:24;27;29;30。 I Tim。 6:8…10。 Mark 4:19。 Heb。 12:1。 
六月十五日  早课 
  隐秘的事是属耶和华我们 神的;惟有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的(申29:29)。   耶和华啊,我的心不狂傲,我的眼不高大,重大和测不透的事,我也不敢行。我的心平稳安静,好像断过奶的孩子在他母亲的怀中;我的心在我里面真像断过奶的孩子(诗131:1,2)。 耶和华与敬畏他的人亲密,他必将自己的约指示他们(诗25:14)。只有一位在天上的 神,能显明奥秘的事(但2:28)。  以后我不再称你们为仆人,因仆人不知道主人所作的事;我乃称你们为朋友,因我从我父所听见的,已经都告诉你们了(约15:15)。你们若爱我,就必遵守我的命令。我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫他永远与你们同在(约14:15,16)。我还有好些事要告诉你们,但你们现在担当不了。只等真理的圣灵来了,他要引导你们明白一切的真理(约16:12,13)。  The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those which are revealed belong unto us。           LORD; my heart is not haughty; nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters; or in things too high for me。 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself; as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child。          
The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him: and he will shew them his covenant。 — There is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets。 — Lo; these are parts of his ways: but how little a portion is heard of him?           Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you。 — If ye love me; keep my …mandments。 And I will pray the Father; and he shall give you another forter that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth。      DEUT。 29:29。  Psa。 131:1;2。 Psa。 25:14。 …Dan。 2:28。 …Job 26:14。 John 15:15。 …John 14:15…17。 
六月十五日  晚课 
  圣灵照着 神的旨意替圣徒祈求(罗8:27)。   你们若向父求什么,他必因我的名赐给你们。向来你们没有奉我的名求什么,如今你们求就必得着,叫你们的喜乐可以满足(约16:23,24)。靠着圣灵随时多方祷告祈求(弗6:18)。   我们若照他的旨意求什么,他就听我们,这是我们向他所存坦然无惧的心。既然知道他听我们一切所求的,就知道我们所求于他的,无不得着(约壹5:14,15)。 神的旨意就是要你们成为圣洁(帖前4:3)。 神召我们,乃是要我们成为圣洁。……那赐圣灵给你们的 神(帖前4:7,8)。 要常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡事谢恩,因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。不要消灭圣灵的感动(帖前5:16…19)。  The Spirit 。。。 maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God。        Verily; verily I say unto you; Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name; he will give it you。 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask; and ye shall receive; that your joy may be full。 — Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit。           This is the confidence that we have in him; that; if we ask any thing ac…cording to his will; he heareth us; and if we know that he hear us; whatsoever we ask; we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him。 — This is the will of God; even your sanctification。           God hath 。。。 called us 。。。 unto holiness: 。。。 who hath also given unto us his Holy Spirit。           Rejoice evermore。 Pray without ceasing。 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you。 Quench not the Spirit。      ROM。 8:27。  John 16:23;24。 …Eph。 6:18。 I John 5:14;15。 …I Thes。 4:3。 I Thes。 4:7;8。 I Thes。 5:16…19。 
六月十六日  早课 
  你们要谨慎行事,不要像愚昧人,当像智慧人。要爱惜光阴,因为现今的世代邪恶(弗5:15,16)。   只要切切地谨慎遵行诫命律法,爱耶和华你们的神,行他一切的道,守他的诫命,专靠他,尽心尽性侍奉他(书22:5)。你们要爱惜光阴,用智慧与外人交往。你们的言语要常常带着和气,好像用盐调和,就可知道该怎样回答各人(西4:5,6)。各样的恶事要禁戒不作(帖前5:22)。   新郎迟延的时候,他们都打盹、睡着了。半夜有人喊着说:新郎来了,你们出来迎接他!所以,你们要儆醒,因为那日子、那时辰,你们不知道(太25:5,6,13)。 弟兄们,应当更加殷勤,使你们所蒙的恩召和拣选坚定不移。你们若行这几样,就永不失脚(彼后1:10)。主人来了,看见仆人儆醒,那仆人就有福了(路12:37)。  See that ye walk circumspectly; not as fools; but as wise; redeeming the time; because the days are evil。           Take diligent heed to do the mandment and the law; to love the LORD your God; and to walk in all his ways; and to keep his mandments; and to cleave unto him; and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul。 — Walk in wisdom toward them that are without; redeeming the time。 Let your speech be always with grace; seasoned with salt; that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man。 — Abstain from all appearance of evil。  While the bridegroom tarried; they all slumbered and slept。 And at midnight ther
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